
World's Leading Certification
for Innovation


Innovation has always been associated with the tech industry. This has alienated the true definition of innovation. To redefine innovation, Enterprise Asia will be going back to basics, focusing on business models which consist of three elements: product, service & solution and organisation & culture. Henceforth, we are spearheading the innovation revolution in advocating for a paradigm shift in innovation.

We are advocates for the liberalisation of innovation across all companies big and small, and across all industries to make lives better.

InnoMark® is an international certification that certifies outstanding innovation through our stringent 8-D criteria. In the process, we provide a testament of sustainability and encouragement for future innovation, in improving the way of living for our society.


Every innovation has been inspired by an existing form of invention or idea. It is usually conceptualised to solve an existing problem in our society. To materialise such a concept, a comprehensive business structure is implemented around the idea.

Customer value is further integrated into the process to further refine and develop the idea. The next level of ideation comes when it is recognised by reputable institutions.

Finally, when its differentiation from existing ideas is not only accepted, but is also able to impact and influence the current status quo, can the original idea be truly called an innovation.



Email: marketing@enterpriseasia.org