Innovation has always been associated with the tech industry. This has alienated the true definition of innovation. To redefine innovation, Enterprise Asia will be going back to basics, focusing on business models which consist of three elements: product, service & solution and organisation & culture. Henceforth, we are spearheading the innovation revolution in advocating for a paradigm shift in innovation.
We are advocates for the liberalisation of innovation across all companies big and small, and across all industries to make lives better.
InnoMark® is an international certification that certifies outstanding innovation through our stringent 8-D criteria. In the process, we provide a testament of sustainability and encouragement for future innovation, in improving the way of living for our society.

Innovation has always been associated with the tech industry. This has alienated the true definition of innovation. To redefine innovation, Enterprise Asia will be going back to basics, focusing on business models which consist of three elements: product, service & solution and organisation & culture. Henceforth, we are spearheading the innovation revolution in advocating for a paradigm shift in innovation.
We are advocates for the liberalisation of innovation across all companies big and small, and across all industries to make lives better.
InnoMark® is an international certification that certifies outstanding innovation through our stringent 8-D criteria. In the process, we provide a testament of sustainability and encouragement for future innovation, in improving the way of living for our society.

Every innovation has been inspired by an existing form of invention or idea. It is usually conceptualised to solve an existing problem in our society. To materialise such a concept, a comprehensive business structure is implemented around the idea.
Customer value is further integrated into the process to further refine and develop the idea. The next level of ideation comes when it is recognised by reputable institutions.
Finally, when its differentiation from existing ideas is not only accepted, but is also able to impact and influence the current status quo, can the original idea be truly called an innovation.

Every innovation has been inspired by an existing form of invention or idea. It is usually conceptualised to solve an existing problem in our society. To materialise such a concept, a comprehensive business structure is implemented around the idea.
Customer value is further integrated into the process to further refine and develop the idea. The next level of ideation comes when it is recognised by reputable institutions.
Finally, when its differentiation from existing ideas is not only accepted, but is also able to impact and influence the current status quo, can the original idea be truly called an innovation.


While innovation on itself may serve to future-proof your organisation, an independent endorsement amplifies both the credibility of the innovation as well as your speed-to-market and acceptance level.

Most organisations discover that adding a third-party endorsement enhances the lifetime value and longetivity of their innovation by many folds. This translates to a significantly higher return on investment and futureproofing your innovation.

Through our global PR campaign, and localised publicity blitz, your innovation will be read or seen by potentially million of users and consumers. Many organisations leverage on this to supplement their own branding and promotional effort for 360-degree coverage of target audience.

No innovation works in a silo. It's always a team effort. Receiving this certification is a direct affirmation of that effort; and even if you do not get certified, the collective teamwork put into the submission goes far in aligning your team's goal.

Recipients have realised that receiving this certification often translate into better pricing as customers are less price sensitive when purchasing a certified innovation.

While innovation on itself may serve to future-proof your organisation, an independent endorsement amplifies both the credibility of the innovation as well as your speed-to-market and acceptance level.

Most organisations discover that adding a third-party endorsement enhances the lifetime value and longetivity of their innovation by many folds. This translates to a significantly higher return on investment and futureproofing your innovation.

Through our global PR campaign, and localised publicity blitz, your innovation will be read or seen by potentially million of users and consumers. Many organisations leverage on this to supplement their own branding and promotional effort for 360-degree coverage of target audience.

No innovation works in a silo. It's always a team effort. Receiving this certification is a direct affirmation of that effort; and even if you do not get certified, the collective teamwork put into the submission goes far in aligning your team's goal.

Recipients have realised that receiving this certification often translate into better pricing as customers are less price sensitive when purchasing a certified innovation.


Ultraboost Uncaged Parley
Adidas Sports (China) Co. Ltd
Parley Air Strategy:
In April 2015, Adidas and Parley for The Oceans partnered to help end
marine plastic pollution. In 2016, we launched our first performance
products created with Parley Ocean Plastic™.


Intel, Inc.
All we start with is sand.
Everything else is value added by our people.
Ideas2Reality or I2R is a China-wide innovation program at Intel China
that enables and empowers Intel employees to turn their ideas into
reality, helping launch the final products to market.


Microsoft HoloLens
Microsoft Corporation
Mixed reality: World is the Canvas
Windows Mixed Reality: Our Mixed Reality journey started back in
January 2015 when we announced HoloLens: the first fully self-
contained Holographic Computer and Windows.


Thai Union PCL
A healthy alternative in the deli, perfect for sandwiches,
charcuterie and deli cold platter.
Thai Union’s, Global Innovation Incubator (Gii) has pioneered the
application of cutting-edge technology in order to deliver the world’s
first deli-style tuna product for the consumer market.


Ultraboost Uncaged Parley
Adidas Sports (China) Co. Ltd
Parley Air Strategy:
In April 2015, Adidas and Parley for The Oceans partnered to help end
marine plastic pollution. In 2016, we launched our first performance
products created with Parley Ocean Plastic™.


Intel, Inc.
All we start with is sand.
Everything else is value added by our people.
Ideas2Reality or I2R is a China-wide innovation program at Intel China
that enables and empowers Intel employees to turn their ideas into
reality, helping launch the final products to market.


Microsoft HoloLens
Microsoft Corporation
Mixed reality: World is the Canvas
Windows Mixed Reality: Our Mixed Reality journey started back in
January 2015 when we announced HoloLens: the first fully self-
contained Holographic Computer and Windows.


Thai Union PCL
A healthy alternative in the deli, perfect for sandwiches,
charcuterie and deli cold platter.
Thai Union’s, Global Innovation Incubator (Gii) has pioneered the
application of cutting-edge technology in order to deliver the world’s
first deli-style tuna product for the consumer market.